Studies show...and no one knows better than HR...that worker productivity is affected by personal financial issues. FAI's seminars, services and publications can help to minimize or eliminate employee financial concerns, thereby increasing productivity. Click here for a brochure that describes the employers' issues and personal life events that affect worker productivity.
The Problem: Money management problems increase stress, cause marital problems, loan/credit problems, repossessions, bankruptcy, wage garnishments, terminations and many other problems which ultimately affect the employers' productivity. Family finances are very confusing for many.
- Increases productivity because employees are not stressed out and taking time off work due to financial issues
- Frees up HR from the time spent dealing with personal financial issues
- Gives managers the opportunity to refer people for help
- Makes for satisfied and appreciative employees with less turnover

Basic Money Management Training...Making Ends Meet & Dreams Come True: a one-half to full day seminar that helps to keep employees of any age from getting into financial trouble. It delves into the psychological issues as well as the practical mechanics of day to day money management to help employees stay on track.

Comprehensive Money Management Training...The Complete Financial Lifecycle Program: a 1/2 to 2 day seminar that covers every aspect of a person's financial life. It encourages employees to have a solid financial base when thinking about the inevitable life event of retirement

Retirement Planning Training for Age 50+...The Retirement Planning Program: a 1/2 to full day seminar for those nearing retirement. It details the step by step process that a person should follow when this critical life event is in the near future.

Individual Coaching in Personal Money Management...a confidential and personalized service that gives specific direction for dealing with personal financial issues, problems and concerns. Our PMM Coaching Service helps employees create a realistic inventory of their financial assets, liabilities, income, expenses and financial goals...something most people have never done. The coach then analyses the information, assesses the individual's situation and helps to develop a realistic, attainable plan to deal with such events. As a result of our on-site individual coaching, most people will know exactly what needs to be done and will be able to deal effectively with their issue(s) on their own.
FAI has pioneered the art of teaching and counseling employees about financial planning, and we've been doing so successfully since 1980. FAI was founded by Gary Tagtmeier, CPA, who has the unique ability to explain complex concepts in laymen's terms. Our client list includes organizations like The Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Harris Bank, State Farm, S&C Electric, The Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Military and many, many others. The cornerstone principle of our business is that we do not offer any other products or services other than Personal Money Management education and counseling.
Request information: If you would like more information about these trainings, please contact us with your name, organization, and a way to reach you. One of our representatives will call and talk to you about these services.